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Spiritual Science, alternatively known as Anthroposophy, is a philosophical system through which we can understand the nature of the world and the cosmos. This system of understanding becomes active, or operational, through the development of human consciousness to ever more inclusive realms of comprehension. In other words, as humans develop wider and more diverse levels of understanding of the reality manifested before them, they become able to interact and effect the manifest world. In essence, we can become co-creators with the spiritual world.

Early in Steiner’s public life, he undertook the task of editing Goethe’s scientific works. A main and unique element of Goethe’s system of understanding revolved around the recognition that behind every manifested thing in the terrestrial world live unmanifested forces, and behind those forces live spiritual beings. Steiner grasped the veracity of Goethe’s recognition of these “unseen” forces and beings, not only because Steiner had been gifted a certain clairvoyance from birth, but because Steiner had turned aside from that clairvoyance in order to develop within himself a thinking capacity which allowed him to perceive the spiritual world in full consciousness.

It is this development of consciousness that allows for clear thinking, and clear thinking can lead to the capability in humans to perceive the spiritual essence behind all manifested life on earth. This is the WHO with whom humans can cooperate and support in the evolution of both manifested and unmanifested life throughout time.

Over the years, Viva la Vida has brought Enzo Nastati from Italy to teach seminars in the U.S. which have been a guided and intentional path in practices and understanding of how to develop the consciousness to become co-creators. Members have committed themselves to the development of this level of consciousness through exercises, meditations and practices in order to interact with the manifest world. For example, at Lucas Farm, a group of members meet weekly and perform certain devotional and practical exercises to develop humus, to support the evolutionary impulses of plants and animals resident at the farm, and to offer love, devotion and nourishment to the Spirit of the Farm.

In a very real sense this means opening ourselves to the guidance from forces and beings which we are not necessarily able to experience with the normally recognized sense perceptions. It has been through many varying experiences over the years that we have witnessed the possibilities that every human is capable of operating, if one is open to those possibilities.

Testimonials abound of the “proof” of these interactions with the Spirit behind what we meet in our daily lives. Some of these testimonials are found on this website.

The Who and how we as humans can become acquainted

  • The first principle is a willingness and openness to the possibility that not everything which is acting in our lives and in our world is able to be known with our usual human senses
  • The second principle is the development of clear thinking and a non-judgmental attitude.
  • The third principle is a continual and repeated effort on the part of we humans to communicate with forces beyond our perception and to openly receive the communication offered us by the spiritual world.
  • Most importantly is our devotion and gratitude for the unceasing gifts from the spiritual world.