Inspired by the work of Rudolf Steiner and the furthering of this work by Enzo Nastati, Viva la Vida conducts seminars, study groups, workshops and research dedicated to broadening our comprehension of Nature, including Man, and our efficacy as spiritually operative individuals.
Viva la Vida strives to educate and work from a core of Freedom and Love. The life of our work is relational, and thus we act for the mutual evolution of mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms. We see the disharmonies in the natural world as inextricably connected to our own need for moral and conscious advancement.
We support community agriculture with educational offerings, practical solutions and land use opportunities. We advocate for conscious land stewardship through advanced holistic land management. We use practical exercises and dynamic therapies to meet the needs of our time and of the future.
We are now focused on the cultivation of New Plants, therapeutic architecture, community study and personal growth, and education for a culture currently nearly bereft of true Spiritual Scientific comprehension.
Viva la Vida is supported voluntarily by farmers, builders, healers, educators and community citizens from around the world. As a non-profit, Viva la Vida operates financially from donations and seeks collaboration with other organizations.
Lucas Farm is the farm that Viva la Vida stewards regeneratively, which means to support the evolutionary impulse of all beings manifesting in today’s world. Regeneration means to re-generate, to support the descent and manifestation of wholly new impulses reborn in a moral, spiritual sense. Lucas Farm is the sanctuary for the Colin Dunbar School of Spiritual Agriculture and the location of much of our evolutionary work.