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Colin Dunbar School of Spiritual Agriculture

Spiritual Agriculture means Evolutionary Agriculture

A progression towards health and the future

The criteria to establish a truly viable method of agriculture is that it should be environmentally friendly, provide high-quality food, and be profitable for the farmer. While organic and biodynamic agriculture promote an image of quality foods, systems failure and lack of profitability threaten their viability. The benefits of Spiritual Evolutionary Agriculture are limitless and are inseparable from our own development.

Viva la Vida is dedicated to Evolutionary Spiritual Agriculture, a method allowing true regeneration of soil, plants and animals, of all beings living within an agricultural organism, including the humans who work there.

“The farmer's work begins with being a healer.”

Enzo NastatiFounder of Arca della Vita

About Colin Dunbar

Colin was a beloved member of our small community here on the western slope of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Colin’s deep humility and his endearing sense of humor were a part of his charm that was always fully evident in his nature. Colin crossed the threshold into the spiritual world on the 26 January 2015, the first day of the first Spiritual Agriculture seminar held in Paonia.

Even those who did not know Colin had no doubt of his support and presence throughout the five days we were together in the seminar. His presence continues to this day. In honor of Colin, we have founded our School of Spiritual Agriculture in his name.

The path of Evolutionary Agriculture

The Journey to Evolutionary Agriculture

The founding members of Viva la Vida each began their agricultural work through organic farming which developed further in biodynamic practices. Though we believed that biodynamics was the best agricultural method we know about at the time, we became more and more aware of the ever greater challenges facing farmers, and the less and less effectiveness of even the BD preparations and methods over time.

When we brought Enzo Nastati from Italy to give a seminar on “How to Make Biodynamics Work Better”, our world changed. We recognized we needed to redouble our efforts to meet the current climactic changes, the increase in pollutants of every kind, economic infeasibility of farming in the industrial age, and the loss of a community-based system to bring healthy and healing foods to our animals and ourselves.

This led to the formation of Viva la Vida as an organization devoted to addressing these problems and finding practical, effective solutions, and to then offer these solutions to others. We continue to study and research evolutionary methods of agriculture, animal husbandry, and community development. Remarkably, over the years new people have “showed up” and joined in our study groups, attended our workshops, supported our projects financially and with their willing hands and hearts. The organization continues to grow and develop, ever mindful of the urgent calling of our times to “Start Now.” 


Spiritual Agriculture

Through holistic and spiritual comprehension of the deep inner nature of human, animal, plant and soil life, we can act as intermediary co-creators imparting therapeutic impulses for a true regenerative agriculture. We ask: what is Regenerative Agriculture? Our study and practice over the past decade have revealed that the term in common recent parlance is practically meaningless when seen in a full evolutionary sense. To build healthy soils, to foster healthier animals, to produce healthier foods is a baseline, but not regenerative. Evolutionary growth of a farming organism, on the other hand, allows plants, animals and all life to evolve as is necessary and natural for them. This is quite often opposed to what we as humankind “want” that evolution to look like. To support this kind of agriculture, which can truly heal not only spaces but all life including ourselves, we must develop our consciousness to be able to recognize the Divine within all living beings. This recognition can lead to informed communion with all beings and lead to an opening for the “new” to enter and develop. In a very real sense, we as farmers must get out of the way and invite and accept the evolutionary direction of all species. Then we can have a true regeneration, which is always in a moral and spiritual resonance.


Lucas Farm – an evolutionary project

Viva la Vida has been fortunate to acquire a research farm in Paonia, CO. It is 37 acres just outside of our community and has provided a place for many trial projects to take place. Over the past eight years local members of Viva la Vida have worked to transform the soils and landscape to bring about true regeneration of the farming organism. Much of the work has been new plantings, fencing, water catchment and enhancement, and spiritual work on the agricultural organism. A lithopuncture was installed in 2017 and the Christic Oasis was installed two years later. Both these installations have enhanced the resonance between cosmic and terrestrial forces and enlivened the activity and harmony between we humans working there and the spiritual entities and beings supporting our efforts. We have on-going projects establishing hedgerows around the boundary of the farm, planting woodland areas for increased vitality and to provide shade and etheric forces to the entire farm, and most importantly the development of “new plants” suited to the increasing climate stresses and changes the world is now experiencing.

Beginning in 2024 fruit trees are being planted at Lucas Farm that will be spiritually supported in their evolutionary journey. Eventually, a portion of these trees will be shipped to other farms around the United States to continue to adapt to various climate regions.


Agriculture components

Agricultural Organism
Agricultural OrganismSpiritual Agriculture

Agricultural Organism

Just as all organs in a human body must be in harmony with one another to maintain overall health, the various organs in a farm must also be balanced and…
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Salty Soils
Salty SoilsSpiritual Agriculture

Salty Soils

Salinity in agricultural soils is becoming a commonplace and costly problem for farmers worldwide. In the USA alone, it is estimated there is an $11 billion agricultural loss annually due…
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EMF, cell phone and Wifi Hazards
EMF, cell phone and Wifi HazardsSpiritual Agriculture

EMF, cell phone and Wifi Hazards

In recent decades, the scientific community has begun to study the possible harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in humans. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the United…
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