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Spiritual Agriculture originates from the Spiritual Scientific vision and Esoteric Lessons of Rudolf Steiner. Spiritual Agriculture considers the land, minerals, plants, animals, humans and the cosmos as a single, living organism. Each and every component of that organism is made up of spiritual entities and beings all circulating in harmony or disharmony according to the current conditions.

Today, a conscious man will recognize he is facing three great emergencies:

  1. The seriousness of the environmental situation: physical-chemical pollution; climatic crises including the effects of climate change and scarcity of clean drinking water; and the degradation and pollution of the biological ecosystem by electro-magnetism, radioactivity, transgenic contamination, etc.
  2. The need to enhance the nutritional value of food so that it can support man in all his components (physical, soul and spiritual).
  3. The severe economic difficulty in which agriculture is currently operating.

It is well known by plant geneticists that the plant expresses no more than 30-40% of its genetic code, its DNA. The remainder is present but “silent.” That is, it is not expressed. We can therefore hypothesize that in the plant world enormous possibilities are present for adaptation and response to the critical phenomena we face, phenomena that restrict agricultural production, denature and degrade the plants themselves, and increase costs.

As with biodynamic agriculture, three fundamental principles that underpin Spiritual Evolutionary Agriculture are: the plant is an image of the cosmos; to fertilize means bringing life into the ground; and the farm must be designed and shaped like a living organism itself.

The deep connection with nature, and the full respect of its rhythms are fundamental first steps in Evolutionary Agriculture. The next step is the recognition and communion with the spiritual essence of all manifest components of the farm. This means spiritual communion with the beings and entities active behind that manifestation.

Evolutionary Agriculture strives to further enhance nature, thereby helping nature to develop ever more fertile land to produce foods that can truly nourish humanity, and to preserve and pass it on to generations of the future. Spiritual Agriculture recognizes that ‘Man’ is the preparation, and with an adequate consciousness humankind can interact with all of Nature and become a co-creator. There is no longer a need for preparations or material interventions. A developed consciousness and understanding of Nature allows interaction directly from the heart of man. This is truly regenerative agriculture!

Three fundamental principles that underpin both the Biodynamic method and Evolutionary Spiritual Agriculture are:

  • The first principle emphasizes that the life cycle of the plant is fully connected with the rhythm of the planets and the world of the fixed stars, from which come the forces that regulate their growth.
  • The second principle considers manure and other inputs not as a means to bring physical nutritional elements for plants (a mere inert support for their roots), but it reminds us that the earth has its own life which must be a stimulus to the plants, using it for their own growth.
  • Finally, the third principle states that the ideal farm should be seen as an organic system, consisting of many components (orchard, arable fields, hedges, woods, ponds, animals, etc.). The components are considered to be different organs that make up a living organism which is ideally self-sufficient.
  • Spiritual Agriculture goes further, emphasizing that humans can become a co-creators with Nature and support the evolutionary journey of all plants and animals, without the need of inputs beyond the consciousness of humans themselves.