The Relationships between the Sephiroth and the Patterns

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The Sephiroth ‘appeared’ in European culture around 1300 and then developed with the Neoplatonism of the Renaissance. This is what history tells us.

A ‘different’ history identifies the Holy Alliance between God and Man in the Sephiroth, an Alliance received from Moses on Mount Sinai through the Tablets of the Law ‘directly written by the hand of God ’. After the descent of Moses from 1 the mountain, there follows the episode of the Golden Calf, that is the return of the Jewish people to the adoration of the ‘old’ forms and forces which are luciferic.

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Summary of the book Relationship of the Sephiroth and the Patterns

This book delves into the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life, with a focus on its renewal and current message as related to the Christ in the Etheric Plane. It is both a deep dive, and a fascinating expansion of the significance and potential applications of the Sephiroth in today’s world.

Part 1– Who and What are the Sephiroth. Their origin from the Ain Soph Aur, their relationship to evolution and Spiritual Science. The Sephiroth as a path of Initiation, the 22 paths, the 11th and 12th Sephira,

Part 2– The new relationships in the Sephiroth and the Pattern. The whole universe is organized in patterns and fractals, even the brain. The development of the Sephiroth from new perspectives.

Part 3– The Sephiroth and Crop Circles. Various interpretations which bring in the Multi-dimensional beings.

Part 4- The Ascent to the Christ. The expansion of the Tree of Life out to the 12 Cosmic Regions, resonance with the Christ, the 12 “I Am” expressions of the Christ in the Gospel of John.

Part 5– Reclamation and Healing of the Kingdoms with the Sephroth. Going beyond the cognitive to the practical, with actions for evolutionary remediation for each kingdom

Part 6– The Qelipoth: Which are the Obstacles. The necessity of their action to assist us in awakening and developing adequate consciousness – and their redemption.

Part 7– A New Vision for the Problematic Fauna and the Tree of Death

Part 8– Interventions in Agriculture. Basic interventions for soils and seeds, actions for the new plants, actions for drought, actions for seeds in drought.