Man’s Journey from Creature to Creator

Suggested Donation: $25.00

The seminar Creature to Creator deals with the task of man in this epoch, which is to assist Nature in her evolution. We have been given the responsibility and task of being co-creators of a new evolutionary system. It is the big task of man. On one side we have this big Divine plan. And on the other side we have the whole of Nature and the whole planet that need to evolve. But God cannot act directly on Nature. Everything needs to go through man. So this very insignificant being, compared to angels, archangels, the hierarchies, becomes the mercurial point through which the evolution can take place.

In order to do this, we must first work on the transformation of our own consciousness. We can only gift what we have transformed within ourselves. We need to learn how to activate all the forces of Life within ourselves. We need to develop the etheric Inner Temple of the heart, the Fifth Chamber, through which we can offer these evolutionary impulses to Nature. When we are in this Inner Temple, we are in the Everything, and we can bring everything inside ourselves. From here we can radiate love and wisdom, we can change what is around us, we can become creators. Our task is to put down seeds for the future. When we gift the Love and Light from our hearts, the Spiritual world comes to our aid.

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This first seminar focuses on building the understanding, exercises and meditations that help us build the consciousness and forces within ourselves to accomplish these inner and outer transformations. These include the Caduceus meditation, the Golden Calf, the exercise of Pure Thought, or consequential logic, the activation of the Incorruptible Body, and the Union of the Head (wisdom) and the Heart (love) to develop the etheric Fifth Chamber of the heart. Two meditations for purification are offered; one to help clean the Earth system and humanity of anti- evolutionary and disharmonic forces,to support her evolution. The other is to purify our DNA.

The Merkabah Meditation is given to support our expansion and connection with the higher Spiritual world, to activate and receive these higher forces for our evolution. An elaboration of the Mother in her various levels of expression helps develop a further understanding of the nourishment that She offers to support the transformation of the soul. And lastly, this seminar explores the Mysteries of Space and Time. Life is the dynamic meeting of Space and Time. It is through them that we can find our way back to the Spiritual world.