Being in Being from Creature to Creator

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This is part two of the seminar Creature to Creator which deals with the task of man in this epoch, which is to assist Nature in her evolution. We have been given the responsibility and task of being co-creators of a new evolutionary system. It is the big task of man. On one side we have this big Divine plan. And on the other side we have the whole of Nature and the whole planet that need to evolve. But God cannot act directly on Nature. Everything needs to go through man. So this very insignificant being, compared to angels, archangels, the hierarchies, becomes the mercurial point through which the evolution can take place.

In this part two the themes of part one are expounded upon and operational guidelines are offered for each and every human to become a co-creator with the Divine.

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The latest seminar with Enzo Nastati given in June 2024. This seminar is a practical guide to how to operate in cooperation with the spiritual world.